Female Cialis General Information

Female Cialis is used to improve the sex life of a woman by boosting libido and increasing sensitivity to stimulation.

Women sexual dysfunction affects a lot of women and is usually characterized by a lack of desire, arousal, or orgasm. Difficulties with lubrication are also among the most common complaints.

Female Cialis helps women suffering from sexual dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the genital areas and relaxing vaginal muscles. It works similarly to regular Cialis used for the treatment of ED in men. Increased blood flow results in a better natural lubrication and increased sensitivity, and in overall satisfying sex life.

Female Cialis can also be effective in post-menopausal women and women with a hysterectomy.

How to Use Female Cialis

Follow the directions for using Female Cialis provided by your doctor or pharmacist. Take Female Cialis exactly as directed.

Female Cialis usually starts working 45 minutes after its intake. The effect usually lasts for up to 12 to 24 hours.

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