The first e-book, Diabetes and You, is available on Cornerstornes4Care and will be available at popular e-book sites, including iBooks?®, Reader?„? Store, the NOOK?„? Book Store and Free-eBooks beginning Q4 2011. The entire e-book series is also compatible with all major e-readers, including Apple??™s iPad?®, Sony??™s e-Reader, Barnes & Noble??™s NOOK?„? and Amazon??™s Kindle?„?. Those who might not have an e-reader can download the e-book series for free as an Adobe PDF for viewing on a Mac or PC. All e-books come with the ability to enlarge text and can easily be downloaded at Cornerstones4Care.
The e-book series:
Diabetes and You: Provides an overview of what diabetes is and the steps necessary to help manage it. Your Guide to Better Office Visits: Helps patients keep accurate and comprehensive records in one easy-to-find place. Patients can customize their care schedule with their treatment team. Your Blood Sugar Diary: Helps patients stay on track with their blood sugar goals and share results with their health care team. Diabetes Medicines: Describes how diabetes affects the body and offers suggestions for discussing different treatment options with their health care team. Carb Counting and Meal Planning: Offers basics for planning healthy meals and an introduction to counting carbs and gauging portion size.SOURCE Novo Nordisk